
Tips & Tricks
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What is the best phone to use? The battery on my iPhone dies pretty quickly.
in United States of America by angelridge

3 Answers

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I do but I think the game is overhyped, though... Take it to a service centre so you can change the battery
by laurenbrax
0 0
Yeah I carry an extra battery pack.
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I have friends who play it... they both have Sansung phones however...

When you say your battery dies "pretty quickly" that's a relative statement.  How long exactly does it take?

If you do continue to play it, make sure you keep your eyes on the road or the sidewalk!!!!
by thethunderchild
0 0
I have an iphone. Battery dies in a few hours. If I do not play, the battery will last all day. So "pretty quickly". I have managed to live for 43 years... I'm pretty sure I will survive Pokemon Go. People should always be aware of their surroundings no matter what they are doing.
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Actually is really good the game, really fun, the only issue that I have is that my iPhone's battery drains to fast, but other than that is really fun,
by beref56
0 0
I have the same problem.

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