Apply Different Text Formatting in WhatsApp Chat?

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Apply Different Text Formatting in WhatsApp Chat? #whatsapp #chat #format #android
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Alongside the usual bold, italics, strikethrough, and monospace, WhatsApp has now introduced bulleted and numbered lists along with block and inline quotes. The new formatting options were rolled out to ensure streamlined texting and better organizing of messages 
  • You want to have neat, organized grocery lists, numbered lists can be used by adding a full stop next to a number. Once you hit the enter key, the numbered list will follow until you backspace. 
  • Bulleted lists are useful in multiple situations, but most of all, they ensure your texts stay neat. To begin using, add a “-” symbol before your sentence with a space. Like the numbered lists, once you hit enter, you will be able to use these for listing multiple options within the message. 
  • WhatsApp introduced block quotes to highlight a standout sentence within a message. To use this, press the “forward” key with a space and add it before the text you wish to format. 
  • This formatting feature was added to make sharing and reading code easier for programmers. However, apart from that, users can also utilise it to highlight specific information in text. All you need to do is use the “`” symbol in your message `like this`. 

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According to a press note released by Meta, these options will help WhatsApp users save time and help them in communicating more effectively through messages, especially in group chats. The new formatting options are now available for all Android, iOS, Web, and Mac desktop users. These are in addition to Bold, Italic, Strikethrough, and Monospace formatting options that have been available on WhatsApp for some time now. 
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