Right, so after getting fed up with my HTC One, I decided to opt for a Note 3, I had a browse around online and discovered it has a massive battery, a screen that uses less power and a larger screen than the HTC One.
Having had a look at the Three store and seeing that the Tariffs for it were a bit of out of my price range, and the handset price of it was £650, I decided to hit ebay. I’ve managed to get my hands on one for £300, its been used a little but is still in great condition.
I am made up with the note 3, the battery is lasting me much longer. Its just taking a bit getting used to everything being a bit bigger, its a pity you cant set a screen resolution like you can on a PC.
I am just curious as to if anyone uses the stylus? I cant really see myself using it much.
2:21 pm
Premium Member
January 26, 2014
Ste Crook said
Right, so after getting fed up with my HTC One, I decided to opt for a Note 3, I had a browse around online and discovered it has a massive battery, a screen that uses less power and a larger screen than the HTC One.
Having had a look at the Three store and seeing that the Tariffs for it were a bit of out of my price range, and the handset price of it was £650, I decided to hit ebay. I’ve managed to get my hands on one for £300, its been used a little but is still in great condition.
I am made up with the note 3, the battery is lasting me much longer. Its just taking a bit getting used to everything being a bit bigger, its a pity you cant set a screen resolution like you can on a PC.
I am just curious as to if anyone uses the stylus? I cant really see myself using it much.
I`m still resisting with HTC One Its camera is too good to be left behind, but still the battery is an irritating headache
I don`t feel the need to change it for Samsung Note 3, since I already use Nexus 7, but it`s a reliable replacement though
GeronimoJoe said
I don’t use the stylus much. Maybe once a month. My battery doesn’t necessarily last long but it charges fast.
I havent noticed it charging much faster but I’m not using a USB 3 cable, is that what you’re using? I did notice the charger is 2amp whereas the HTC one was just 1amp…..takes just as long to charge but saying that its a much bigger battery too.
The camera on the HTC one was great, the Ultrapixel idea seemed pretty good, although the note has a 15mp camera, theres often no need for the images to be as big as they are.
Saying that the note has some nice camera features, like the beauty setting to make you look good, and the burst option where it takes 8 photos and you can pick the best one.
Ruchi Jain said
Note 3 …..Phone with latest features and adaptability..!! A phone with multifaceted features but according to me it is less handy because of it’s extra ordinary screen size 5.7″.Nokia phones always offer a better battery backup as compared to HTC mobiles or any other brand.
I must admit, the 5.7″ screen isn’t too much of a problem for me, I can see how some people might struggle, yeah sometimes its a stretch when using it one handed. But I now find myself writing texts and emails without having to look at the keyboard! It makes typing miles quicker.
12:36 pm
Premium Member
January 26, 2014
Ste Crook said
Ruchi Jain said
Note 3 …..Phone with latest features and adaptability..!! A phone with multifaceted features but according to me it is less handy because of it’s extra ordinary screen size 5.7″.Nokia phones always offer a better battery backup as compared to HTC mobiles or any other brand.
I must admit, the 5.7″ screen isn’t too much of a problem for me, I can see how some people might struggle, yeah sometimes its a stretch when using it one handed. But I now find myself writing texts and emails without having to look at the keyboard! It makes typing miles quicker.
Bigger is in most of the cases better. I`m expecting the 6-inches, 6.5-inches or even 7-inches smartphones, although the fine difference between smartphones and tablets would be cancelled
After using my HTC, I simply don`t want to try a gadget with smaller screen, it`s a kind of contradiction of my current usage
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