How can you Report a Contact on WhatsApp?

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How can you Report a Contact on WhatsApp? #whatsapp #report  #block
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When you report someone on WhatsApp, the contact is not notified about it directly. However, he/she won’t be able to send you messages or get to see your DP or Status. There are chances that the reported account might get suspended for a few hours or days from WhastApp if more people report it. And in some cases, it can even lead to getting the account deleted permanently.

WhatsApp receives the last five messages sent to you by the reported user or group, and they won’t be notified. WhatsApp also receives the reported group or user ID, information on when the message was sent, and the type of message sent (image, video, text, etc.).

You can also choose to report an account by long pressing a single message.

WhatsApp may ban accounts if they believe the account activity is in violation of Terms of Service. According to Terms of Service, WhatsApp may retain the right to ban the user without notification.

Please be aware that a user report of conduct in violation of WhatsApp Terms of Service won't necessarily result in WhatsApp banning the user or otherwise taking action against the user.

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WhatsApp has two options for reporting accounts- Report and Report & Block. If you choose Report, the contact can still send you messages, however, WhatsApp will get to know that the user is violating some rules and will keep a track of it. But when you choose, Report & Block, the contact won’t be able to send you any messages.

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