How to Convert Images to PDF and Edit It Free on mobile?

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Converting images to PDF can come in handy in certain situations: 
  • When you want to scan and forward a document as a PDF but don’t have access to a scanner or computer.
  • If you want to compile multiple images into one PDF file for ease of sharing.
  • You can add password protection or watermarks to PDF documents before sharing them.
There are many online converters you can use to convert an image to PDF. Some of the top options include:

  • iLovePDF
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • SmallPDF
You can easily upload multiple photos in the free app version, a task that was not quite straightforward in Adobe Acrobat. It comes with a boatload of functionalities like the ability to add passwords and e-signatures. There is a file size compressor that can reduce the file size by up to 40% for free. The tool has paid features. But in most cases, you can get by with the free options.

Not always Converting an image to a PDF reduce its size. Changes to the file size will depend on the file format. For instance, when convert a PNG image of about 950 KB into PDF, the final file was about 540 KB. Converting from JPG to PDF was mostly accompanied by an increase in the file size. For instance, a 3.6 MB JPG image file ended up being 9.3 MB in size.

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The image formats you can convert depend on which formats the converter supports. Most apps will allow you to convert PNG and JPG images to PDF. But if any app only works with JPG, you can easily convert it to PNG with free online tools.

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