Review Detail

5.0 1
Smartphone Apps TF Tom Ford December 02, 2019 1069
Overall rating
Easy of Use
Customer Support
Recommend to Others
Meeting Requirements
App Usage:
Personally I most like Instagram as a social media which allows you to post and modify pictures how you want and gives you the
feeling of an artist.
Nowadays you can read the news on Instagram.
Buy things!
Watch videos. This list is long...
But the best thing about all Instagram is that one you can chat with people in any way you want, by text by video, by voice... You
have freedom!!!
I do not fancy time travel on my feed: 9 hours ago, 2 hours ago, 4 days ago, 20 minutes ago, 20 seconds ago, 2 days ago, 5 hours ago.
This happened many times to me. Seeing posts from a couple of days ago is confusing. Especially when I wasn't on Instagram for a while, when I return I can not see all the posts that I want. When that happens all posts are not in good order and users often miss some important posts.

One more thing I dislike is recommended posts. When I search for something on Instagram, the next thing that will happen is Instagram will flood me with posts similar to the one I searched for. This can be useful and good, but often there will be 90% of all recommended posts of something you searched once and it is not quite recommended for you.
Rated App Version: Phone Used: Samsung Galaxy S8 - reviews Other Similar Apps Used: Snapchat Country: Serbia
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