Iphone 7 review

A Updated
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Phone or Device purchased at: Apple store
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Service provider used with the phone: AT&T - Q&A | Reviews
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iPhone 7s does not require the headphones. It’s battery is better than the other previous iPhone models. It’s size is suitable for a person to carry in the pockets.  It’s resolution is better. It has waterproof feature.  It’s camera is excellent. It’s processor is fast.  It’s 5.5 inches. It accepts the nano SIM card. It weighs 188 grams.

Phone or Device Usage
I use the phone for selfies. At work I use it for communication. I also talk to my parents and friends on video. I use social media. I download apps. I play games on it. I use mobile banking. I do my work assignments on it as I have google docs in it. I use gmail and keep up with the business emails. I also use it for making online money.

I like it’s camera result. The pictures are pretty clear and with good resolution. It is small in size. The size of the phone is good for my hands. It’s rose gold color is my favorite. The speed is pretty good I like it. It’s easy to use. I like it’s sound quality. I enjoy going to work because I listen to music when I drive. I love it’s sound strength.

I don’t like the price. It’s a bit costly. It doesn’t have a headphone jack. I dislike it too. Sometimes when you don’t have wireless headphones you need the headphones to plug in. we don’t have that option. Even though the screen is high quality but it still gets too scratchy. I have so many scratches on my screen and keep changing the cover. It costs money to buy new screens.
Please add the memory card in this model too. Add the headphones feature. We need to buy our AirPods in order to listen to music. Make it less expensive as we now have better iPhones. Please allow two activities of listening music plus while working on another tab. It will be better. The capacity is low. It would be great to increase the capacity. It would allow people to put more stuff in their phones and don’t keep deleting to make space.

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