Tips & Tricks
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The Z10 is faster than both Apple and Samsung phones, the screen quality is just about the best in the industry, they are almost hack-proof, easily destroyed remotely if stolen, cheaper to repair if broken, and actually come with an HDMI port for connecting to a TV. Why would someone buy the same phone everyone else has (Apple) when they can have a phone that does so much more AND Blackberry doesn't claim rights to your intellectual property the way Apple does?
in Smartphones by carolinadancer

3 Answers

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There are some things missing in Blackberry such as an improved camera, the standard of 8MP is already classic. There are Android-based units that exceed 20MP for a camera

The display isn`t that sufficient, since phablets are based on 5-inch or 5-5 inch display

The operating system itself is like a desert for somebody used to imply a multitude apps on Android or iOS
by costin
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The brand itself is not so marketable anymore.  I think thier innovation and aggressive promotion came a little late especially customers had iven loyalty to the iphone and samsung craze already.
by 23and14and20
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Probably because blackberry phones have trouble with social network and usage therefore less people tend to use blackberry phones.
by 23and14and20

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