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in International and Long Distance by mousumi101

7 Answers

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I've tested Viber vs Skype continually and have found that they both pretty much have the same video compression quality for video calls and what not. Although Viber isn't as complex as Skype, it does have its benefits because its video transmission protocol is a lot less complex than Skype's thus making it easier to work with your smartphone device.

Take into account that a good WiFi connection will make a big difference as well. I suggest you have no less than 5 MBs downstream and 1 MBs upstream to fully experience Viber's ability to record, render and parse amazing video data.
by compudoctores
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I personally have used both and prefer viber. If you like ease of use then grab viber and try it out, less complicated than skype imo.
by ben-johnson
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Viber is best because maximum people use skype and few know about viber so have fun and enjoy Viber !!
by cyber-teacher
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Since Viber was originally a mobile app, you are allowed to download it on your computer and enjoy video calling but the quality won’t be as good as Skype because Skype was designed only for video calling.
by bhaskar
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Quality of vioce call is the same i think.  However, viber is easier to you given its user-friendly features.  Skype is a little complicated.
by 23and14and20
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The quality of the video calls is much better with Skype, both for voice and video, that’s because Skype uses HD voice enhanced codes.
by talla
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In my desk, no viber is not better than Skype because Viber is made for social interacting and it can be easily hacked through, meanwhile Skype is used for business stuff and can't easily be hacked.
by 23and14and20

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