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Which do you think is a better service provider for TV? Have you had a bad experience with one of these two? I've never used Satellite TV before but I was browsing their current service plans and I'm curious about other people's experiences.
in Satellite Telecom (TV & Internet) by cellnut

1 Answer

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Having worked for Direct TV doesn't bias my answer but it gives me a much broader sense to help you answer your question.
I will give you my contention based on experience and will provide a crash course on how to help you decide.

When considering Satellite TV you should consider the quality of signal provided by the Satellite itself, so that when either rain or snow affects the transmission, the quality of your content doesn't get affected as much.

Basically, a Satellite send out signals in an oval shape from its source to a your dish antennae which is designed to receive the signal, filter it and convert it over your TV box set. Once traveled if there aren't any local storms the quality received will pretty much be top notch, however, you must know that there isn't a 100% quality reception for any Satellite in the world.

When it rains or snows, the waves that are sent out by the Satellite get disturbed from top to bottom or sideways, depending on the storm. And so instead of traveling downwards to your Satellite dish, the waves may travel in an up and down path until it reaches your Satellite. By then, the signal would've dropped at least 25%.

To better get a signal its important that during the installation the technician gets the highest signal from the Satellite as possible. This is obtained by measuring it with a Satellite Signaler device which gets attached directly to the dish during installation. In this way when distortion occurs, the quality will still be good.

So, to answer you question and based on the installation quality standard provided by Direct TV I'd say the best service quality is provided by the same and its programming in addition to the comment, its absolutely superb, allowing you to purchase any package of movie or sports venues you may want to get.

Mind you, I don't work for Direct TV no more, but the experience and quality is always there for you to experience.
by compudoctores

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