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A right bitrate means better sound audible quality. Audio CD bitrate is always 1411 Kilobits second (Kbps). The mp3 can range from 96 to 320Kbps and streaming ranges from 96 to 160 Kbps roundabout. 

Pandora Music Streaming bitrate is up to 64 Kbps but it could get be lower depending upon your connection. Pandora Streaming rate is fixed for in-home usage devices like smart TV, boxes, and receivers. 

Pandora Radio plays songs up to 128 Kbps and the paid version of subscription offers a bitrate of 192 Kbps. Paid subscribers enjoy the benefit of three bitrate tiers that impact the soundtrack and quality. 

You can select low (32 Kbps), standard (64 Kbps), or high (192 Kbps) audio track settings. 

The Low setting is good for people who don't want the music streams to chew through their data plans, while the High setting is all about sound quality. The Standard setting, naturally, is a balance between Low and High.

by rebecca499

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