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in Pandora by rebecca499

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Pandora is a music streaming service that offers music by radio station. It is subscription based and you pay depending on your chosen plan. They have cheaper offers for students too as well as yearly and monthly plans.

In a world of streaming services, Pandora stands apart from the rest because it does not offer something conventional but rather recommended music based on the "Music Genome Project" which recommends music through musical traits.

The downside of this could be that it doesn't offer as much flexibility in what to listen as Spotify or Apple Music. It is basically a radio service. Furthermore, it’s not available outside of the US, unlike both these apps, and would likely also not appeal to non-Americans.

If we take Spotify - they also offer a freemium service with limited features. Pandora is an exclusively paid application. Furthermore, Spotify is available in multiple countries and appeals to a larger audience because it offers greater choice in what you want to listen.

Apple music, on the other hand, doesn't offer a free mode, however, much like Spotify, it gives you great freedom in what you want to listen. It boasts a gigantic library of music to choose from.

In this day and age when you have options like Spotify you begin to wonder if Pandora Music is worth it. Ultimately, it depends on what you want and if it’s greater freedom in what to listen – Pandora is not that place.
by rebecca499

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