Tips & Tricks
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in Spotify Music by rebecca499

1 Answer

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Spotify is the platform for pure entertainment. It does not allow the musician to keep hate or illegal content. Moreover, there is the prohibition of any content that shows violence or abuse.

According to Spotify rules, the users must provide content that complies with applicable laws and rules. Moreover, the content must be according to the Foreign Assets control and German Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien (“BPjM”).

If the administration will find any violation of local laws, it will remove the music. Furthermore, the administration will withhold the payments if the content is subject to sanctions.

The hate content is one that principally advocates, promotes, or incites against the individual or group on characteristics like religion, race, ***, gender, ethnicity, ****** orientation, veteran status, disability and nationality. Spotify does not allow such content that violates the hate content policy.

Spotify is developing a policy that will monitor the content. Thus, it will identify the content on this service that has been flagged as hate content according to regulations implemented by the Spotify team. Therefore, the users have to care before posting any content. Otherwise, they will not get payment and maybe their account automatically logged out.
by rebecca499

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