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in Other Telecom Products by compudoctores

5 Answers

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yes,whatsapp is better to use.because we send photos,videos in a short time and it haven't any technical problems at all when we use rather than other
by sk-javid-786
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As for me, while it is whatsapp that started it all and it was a massive hit, i prefer viber since it is more user-friendly and free calls are way clearer.  But yes, whatsapp is fun to use.
by 23and14and20
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It depends, because Whatsapp is nice to send free messages, pictures and voice notes and Viber gets you to do free phone calls, so basically it depends what you want to do.
by etoileam
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I think whatapp is better than viber and line. It has all features - sending images, videos, audios, free calling. And its fun to use whatsapp.
by vikas_sha
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Basicamente es lo mismo, solo que el whatsapp es mas popular y por ende tiene mas uso.

by milagros

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