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in Smartphones by goldy-kakkar-5

4 Answers

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Generally, smartphone implies qwerty keyboards or touchscreen displaying, grantig an interactive interaction of the user with his gadget

A smartphone will always include apps, to facilitate your work or provide you entertainment

In addition, smartphones include better cameras, graphics and sound quality

Each manufacturer aims to create an unique model, to be considered the best on a crowded market. For example, Htc included Beats Audio feature, while Samsung created a suite of apps to fulfil customers' recurrent needs
by costin
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Contrary to a phone, a smartphones can do much more than simply make calls and send texts. The most important features that should exist in a smartphone are the followings: Memory (how much memory does the phone have). Hardware (batteries and processors). Software (smartphone operating systems and app stores). Entertainment (cameras, web browsers, music players…). Connectivity (the common ways of connecting your device, from Bluetooth to 4G).

by lora
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Generally speaking, a smartphone should not be ee analog.

Should have wifi feature and can be a substitute for a laptop.
by 23and14and20
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There should be AI ie. It should be able to reply your questions withouth help from a human.
by abinasdev19

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