Tips & Tricks
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in Smartphone Apps & Music by goldy-kakkar-5

4 Answers

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Yes and no.

Yes: because some apps will not allow you to use them without updating the app.

No: because there are some app that will update only if you want. Ex: Spotify: premium update but not required in order to use spotify.
by 23and14and20
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You don't have to install any app updates if you do not wish to, but it is recommended to do so for security and bug patches to keep them running properly. You could disable automatic download of Store app updates to prevent them from being updated until you manually update them.

by divina009
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Yes and also rarely no.

Yes because some apps need to work when updated and it is necessary for additional content within the update that will be transferred when the app is updated.

No because some apps have additional content that is no nessesary for example, my game Shadowgun Deadzone™ Will update but with the price of 18.09 Australian dollars.
by 23and14and20
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No but some apps are! For example my game Smash hit can be updated but it doesn't need to be.
by zyrus14

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