Tips & Tricks
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in Satellite Telecom (TV & Internet) by aayu_sha

3 Answers

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iCloud is a cloud storage, which can help you to store data such as documents, photos, and music on remote servers for download to iOS, macOS or Windows devices. It is also accessible for you to share and send data to other users, and to manage your Apple devices in case your devices are lost or stolen. To wirelessly back up iOS devices directly to iCloud is a great feature of iCloud service.
If you are the first time to back up to iCloud, it may take a long time to upload. There are some tips for you to make this process faster:
    1. Make sure there is enough space on your iCloud. The free capacity of iCloud is 5GB.
    2. Clean up your iPhone and remove app cookies to make more space.
    3. Delete large files and duplicates.
    4. Offload unused apps to back up.
    5. Connect your iPhone to good Wi-Fi network and as well a charger.

Here is a tutorial I found for you to fasten the process. Hope it a help: How to Make iCloud Backup Faster?

by augusthong
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iCloud connects you and your Apple devices in amazing ways. It makes sure you always have the latest versions of your most important things — like documents, apps, notes, and contacts — on whatever device you are using. It lets you easily share photos, calendars, locations, and more with friends and family. It even helps you find your device if you lose it. And iCloud does it all automatically.
by divina009
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Apple ICloud is an account for all Apple devices to share the same data for every Apple device you have you must login the very same ICloud account from your very first Apple device.
by 23and14and20

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