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in Smartphones by babli-basuroy

6 Answers

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I am sure that the Samsung has the latest android OS in smart phones. Now I am using Samsung Galaxy Alpha phone. that smartphone has so many features and facilities when comparing other brands. The OS of my smart phone is Android OS, v4.4.4 (KitKat). That is the latest version in the mobile phone industry.

by theresha
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The smartphones that will be released this month and during December will inevitably include Android 5.0 Lollipop

Then new model of Nexus is the pioneer, I think that also LG G3 includes it and the recent models of Samsung and Sony will be soon updated
by costin
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Currently the latest available OS is android kitkat 4.4.4 and new version rolling out will be lollipop by rnd of this year or Jan 2015. All previous version of Motorola i.e. Moto E, Moto G 1 gen, Moto G 2nd Gen, etc will be receiving the upgrade update.
by rajani-stuff
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Currently the latest available OS is android kitkat 4.4.4  All previous version of Motorola i.e. Moto E, Moto G 1 gen, Moto G 2nd Gen, etc will be receiving the upgrade update of lollipop.
by rajani-stuff
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Currently the latest available OS is android kitkat. All previous version of Motorola i.e. Moto E, Moto G 1 gen, Moto G 2nd Gen, etc will be receiving the upgrade update of lollipop.
by rajani-stuff
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Different android versions are: cupcake, donut, eclairs, froyo, gringerbread, honeycomb, ice cream sandwich, jelly bean, kitkat, lollipop.

If you can see the new version starts with the just next alphabatic letter (c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l) . The latest androis os available in smartphone is Lollipop 5.1.
by aayu_sha

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