Canuvu Wireless Charger is compatible with Samsung Galaxy, Note 8, 9, 10, iPhone 12, 12 Pro, 12 Pro, Max, iPhone 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max, AirPods, Smartwatches, and Huawei phones. It allows super-fast charging and is 3-in-1. Canuvu charger ensures charging 3 devices simultaneously. Also, the charger comes with a USB-C port. It protects the devices against overheating and over-voltage problems. It has 15W of total wattage. Also, it is Qi-Certified and protects your devices against foreign objects as well. It's foldable and easy to carry. The charger's magnetic surface is easy to carry.
10% off on Canuvu Wireless Charger at Desertcart. Grab this deal.
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