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April 12, 2022
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Sale Price: $19 Save $3 (10% Off) List Price: $21 In Canada at canada.desertcart.com Category: Computer
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- 18 keys
- Ergonomic design
- NumLock
- Scissor switches
Dfmicro Numeric Keypad for Laptop is wired and connects via USB connection. The device is universally compatible. It has multipurpose uses. Also, it is perfect for cashiers at shops, excel sheets, accounting, studies, work, etc. It is compatible with Apple, Mac, MacBook Pro/Air, Linux, and Android OS. This keypad has 18 keys with scissor switches. The keys work noiselessly and have NumLock. Also, it has an ergonomic design and has tilt that makes working easier. It is durable and lightweight. The keypad weight is 130 grams. Its battery is rechargeable.
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