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Deal Share B Benita Updated November 04, 2021 120 0
Sale Price: $129.95 Save $20.05 (13% Off) List Price: $150 In United States at amazon.com Category: Smart Speaker
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Yamaha NS-6490 3-Way Bookshelf Speakers is perfect for entertainment and professional purposes. It is designed for indoors as well as outdoors. They provide premium sound with extra bass. The audio quality of this set of speakers is amazing and perfect for DJs, parties, or any event. The speaker has 140 watts of maximum power and 70 watts of input power. The speaker works great for Operating systems like iOS and Android. It supports devices like iPhones, tablets, PC, laptops, etc. Also, you can use them as a home theatre. It is designed ergonomically and is easy to carry and handle. The weight of the speakers is 29.3 pounds. 
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