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Deal Share B Benita Updated August 08, 2021 187 0
Sale Price: $12.99 Save $2.9 (18% Off) List Price: $15.89 In United States at amazon.com Category: Smart Appliance
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Bauihr's USB 3.0 Hub Splitter is a 4-Port USB hub that is compatible with Keyboard, PC, Mouse, Headset, USB Disk, Game Machines, etc. It transfers and supports data transfer speed up to 5 Gbps. This hub also comes with individual power switches and you can use it with different Operating Systems like Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. This is designed compactly and is an Ultra-thin Shell, so you can also carry it while traveling or at work. The LED indicators provided at power switches help you to know which switch is in use. It is easy to set up and you just require to plug and it's ready to play. Its weight is 0.634 ounces.
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