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Deal Share B Benita Updated October 07, 2021 76 0
Sale Price: $11.99 Save $3 (20% Off) List Price: $14.99 In United States at walmart.com Category: Smart Speaker
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Reliable and lightweight.
Rich and perfect sound
Perfect for indoors and outdoors
USB connection
Logitech S150 USB Speakers connects via USB connection and can be used for office, entertainment, or home. The audio power output is 1.2 Horsepower and it has a 2.0 number of channels. Its frequency response ranges from 90 Hz to 20 kHz. The audio quality of these speakers is rich and perfect for DJs, parties, or any event. It has a speakerphone that provides crystal clear communication. It is flexible, reliable, and lightweight. Its weight is 1 pound and the USB cable length is 1.2 meters. Also, these speakers come with a 3-year warranty.
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Deal Share B Benita Updated August 27, 2021 115 0
Sale Price: $118 Save $30 (20% Off) List Price: $148 In United States at walmart.com Category: Smart Speaker
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Sony SS-CS5 Stereo Bookshelf Speakers gives real audio experience and is a 3 speaker bass-reflex system. It consumes little space and requires no setup as it connects easily. The core speaker is designed for unprecedented and powerful audio. It enhances the sound experience due to a high-frequency response of up to 50 kHz. The all-new Wide Dispersion Super Tweeter gives you natural-sounding vocals. The mica woofer diaphragms are responsible for providing balanced sound. The speaker impedance is 6 ohm and the maximum input power is 100 W.
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