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Deal Share B Benita Updated August 27, 2021 126 0
Sale Price: $269.99 Save $130 (32% Off) List Price: $399.99 In United States at walmart.com Category: Smart Speaker
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1600 watts rated peak power
 It is designed ergonomically
150W power RMS
Lightweight and travel-friendly
Costway Sonart Dual 10'' Portable speakers are mountable speakers that provide premium sound with extra bass. The audio quality of these speakers is amazing and perfect for DJs, parties, or any event. The speaker has 1600 watts rated peak power. The speaker works great for iPhones, android OS, tablets, PC, laptops, etc. It comes with mic stands and remotes control. Another specialty of this speaker is its sound can be heard by 200 people present around it. It is designed ergonomically and is easy to carry and handle. It has a built-in equalizer, perfect for choosing a music tune. 
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