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Deal Share B Benita Updated August 15, 2021 139 0
Sale Price: $169.99 Save $130 (43% Off) List Price: $299.99 In United States at target.com Category: Smartphone
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5.8'' 4K Ultra High Definition display
12MP rear camera and 8MP selfie camera
Water-resistance from accidental spills
Qualcomm Snapdragon processor
Samsung Galaxy S8 Power Unlocked smartphone has 64GB of storage, 4GB RAM, and a 5.8'' 4K Ultra High Definition display. The display quality is harp and rich that gives you a beautiful watching experience and video chats become more realistic die to the ultra-wide screen. The mobile has a 12MP rear camera and an 8MP selfie camera. It has a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor that gives a speedy and lag-free performance. The 3000 mAh battery and wireless GSM technology. It also is water-resistant and you can control your phone through a voice assistant. Its weight is 5.47 pounds and 2.35 GHz processor speed. 
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