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Deal Share B Benita Updated August 27, 2021 217 0
Sale Price: $79 Save $120.99 (60% Off) List Price: $199.99 In United States at walmart.com Category: Smart Speaker
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14 hours of battery life
Lightweight and portable
2x mic inputs 
1 guitar input (6.3mm)
Philips BASS+ NX100 Bluetooth Party Speaker with single subwoofer is perfect for DJs, parties, or any event. It gives powerful and extra bass sound. The battery of this speaker lasts up to 14 hours. It has other phenomenal features like karaoke, lighting effects, a guitar plug-in, etc. It comes with 2x mic inputs and 1 guitar input. The weight is this speaker is 5.6 kg and is very portable. The Bluetooth technology is robust and can connect up to 10 meters of range. The speaker is affordable and feature-oriented.
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