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Deal Share B Benita Updated September 12, 2021 113 0
Sale Price: $699.99 Save $175 (20% Off) List Price: $874.99 In United States at target.com Category: Computer
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15.6'' Display
The processor speed is 1.1 GHz
Windows operating system
Acer Aspire 5 15.6'' Laptop is manufacturer refurbished and comes with a built-in microphone. It has 8GB RAM, 15.6'' display size, and 256GB flash storage. It has an Intel Core i5 processor and comes with Windows operating system. The laptop is ergonomically designed which eases the workflow and gives the best performance. The laptop is designed for multitasking and has beautiful aluminum interior surfaces. It has a processor speed of 1.1 GHz. It is Google Classroom compatible, video conference capable, Microsoft 365 compatible, etc. It also comes 90-Day limited warranty.
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