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Deal Share B Benita Updated August 20, 2021 155 0
Sale Price: $59.99 Save $10 (14% Off) List Price: $69.99 In United States at target.com Category: Smart Wearable
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Accurately monitors activities
Battery lasts up to 14 days
Durable and lightweight
Amazfit Bip S Smartwatch is compatible with Android and iOS operating systems and connects via Bluetooth. The battery life of this watch depends on usage i.e. it will last for 14 days if used excessively and 40 days in a basic scenario. The watch has 10 in-built sports modes. It has features like a heart rate monitor, sleep, stress, speed measurement, distance, waterproof, GPS, awake time, etc. It's lightweight with a weight of 0.13 pounds. The watchband is Silicone with a USB connection type. It also comes with a 1-year limited warranty.
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