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Deal Share C Clair Updated April 10, 2022 186 0
Sale Price: $25 Save $3 (10% Off) List Price: $28 In Canada at canada.desertcart.com Category: Headphone
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Bitine X9 Wireless Earbuds Bluetooth 5.2 Headphones is compatible with Android, Google, and iOS operating systems. They are IPX8 waterproof and can be used during swimming. They are perfect for calling, music, gaming, and entertainment purposes. The buds provide you with 3D surround sound for an enjoyable music experience. It also supports devices like PC, tablets, laptops, etc., and connects via Bluetooth technology. The buds are responsible for low latency during calls. Also, its battery lasts up to 6 hours on a single charge. Its charging case has an LED display that indicates the battery status.
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