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October 05, 2022
296 0
Sale Price: $17.01 Save $1.48 (8% Off) List Price: $18.49 In United States at ebay.com Category: Smart Wearable
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- Kid-friendly interface
- 2-way calling
- Sim card
- In-built camera
- Bluetooth technology
Call Phone Game Watch comes with a kid-friendly touchscreen interface. It is compatible with Android and iOS operating systems and connects via Bluetooth. Insert a sim card in the watch and allow 2-way calling with the kids. It has alarm clocks, a music player, a calendar, a flashlight, a calendar, a calculator, etc. Also, the watch is equipped with GPS and SOS for child's safety and permits you to keep track of their activities. It also supports 4G technology. Children get adjustable clock faces for their screens. Its in-built camera helps kids to record everything in nature and create a memory.
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