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Deal Share C Clair Updated April 07, 2022 162 0
Sale Price: $81 Save $9 (10% Off) List Price: $90 In Canada at canada.desertcart.com Category: Other Telecom Product
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D-Link DIR 1750 AC1750 MU-MIMO Wi-Fi Gigabit Router is widely compatible with the devices and provides seamless speed. It has 4 antennas for an uninterrupted network. The router allows you to connect multiple devices simultaneously. Also, it delivers 450Mbps speed at 2.4GHz band and 1300Mbps speed at 5GHz band. It supports devices like PC, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and desktops. Also, it is easy to set up at your house or office. It also comes with MU-MIMO technologies that are responsible for security. It has a wireless frequency band that ranges from 2.4GHz to 5GHz. The Wi-Fi is certified and reliable. Its indicator lights indicate the status of the wi-fi network. 
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