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March 19, 2022
219 0
Sale Price: $1099 Save $122 (10% Off) List Price: $1221 In Canada at canada.desertcart.ca Category: Computer
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- 2.9GHz clock speed
- Windows 10 Operating System
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX1050TI graphics
- Intel Core i5-10400F processor
- 1TB hard drive
DASEEN Gaming Computer PC Desktop comes with 16GB RAM, 6 cores, and 1TB hard drive. It has a 2.9GHz clock speed and is multiplatform compatible. The CPU is equipped with an Intel Core i5-10400F processor and NVIDIA GeForce GTX1050TI graphics. Also, it is embedded with a Windows 10 Home Operating System. It has USB ports, 1 VGA port, HDMI, 1 ethernet port, and, an audio-out jack. Also, it is responsible for super-fast speed. You can save multiple files, games, and documents. It also comes with a 1-year limited warranty.
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