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Deal Share C Clair Updated March 26, 2022 147 0
Sale Price: $83 Save $8 (10% Off) List Price: $75 In Canada at canada.desertcart.com Category: Smart Wearable
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Dirrelo Smart Watch for Android Phones and iPhone Compatible connects via Bluetooth with your smartphone. The watch comes with a 1.55'' TFT LCD touchscreen display and has curved glass. Its screen resolution is 360 x 320 pixels. It accurately monitors all the activities. It has various features like heart rate monitoring, calories calculation, monitors sleep, GPS, weather forecast, stopwatch, blood oxygen monitor, etc. Access your social media messages and notifications at your wrist. Also, you can manage and receive a hands-free call through this watch. The watch is 5ATM waterproof. It has 14 in-built sports modes such as walking, swimming, yoga, cycling, etc.
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