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Deal Share B Benita Updated October 11, 2022 325 0
Sale Price: $180 Save $178 (50% Off) List Price: $356 In United States at desertcart.us Category: Computer
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  • 2.4GHz radiofrequency
  •  Bluetooth 5.0
  • Widely compatible
  • Retro design
Durgod Fusion Mechanical Retro Keyboard is wireless and connects via 2.4GHz radiofrequency or Bluetooth 5.0. It is designed for personal, professional, and gaming purposes. The keyboard is compatible with a notebook, laptop, PC, and gaming consoles such as Xbox, Xbox One, PS4, PS5, and Nintendo Switch. Its floating keys give fast typing. It has backlighting that allows you to play games in dark. Also, it is equipped with a retro design that looks amazing. The keyboard is responsible for low power and current consumption. Its battery has 20 to 40 days of life. You get a 1.8-meter cable that allows you to connect via USB with non-compatible devices. 
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