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Deal Share B Benita Updated September 08, 2021 198 0
Sale Price: $49.99 Save $10 (20% Off) List Price: $39.99 In United States at amazon.com Category: Headphone
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48 hours long battery life
Provides noise-cancelation
Give stereo-quality crisp sound
Equipped with 10mm latest dynamic audio driver
Fengrui E90 wireless BT earbuds come with a noise-canceling feature and give stereo-quality crisp sound. It has a microphone that allows users to have clear communication over calls. Its battery lasts up to 48 hours. The earbuds have an activated assistant, lightweight, call/track control, and comfortable ear cushion which makes buds fit perfectly on the ears. It's waterproof, due to IPX8 water and dust resistant technology. You have to charge your earbuds through USB type C charging. The 10mm latest dynamic audio driver gives the best music experience. Its weight is 3.84 ounces.
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