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Deal Share B Benita Updated September 16, 2021 143 0
Sale Price: $649.99 Save $100 (13% Off) List Price: $749.99 In United States at target.com Category: Smart Wearable
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Bluetooth connectivity
Very accurate
Waterproof and scratchproof
36 hours battery life
Garmin Fenix 6 Sapphire Smart Watch is Android and iOS compatible and connects through Bluetooth. The smartwatch is accurate, waterproof, and is designed for fitness purposes. You can access the texts, calls, and other notifications of your smartphone with this watch. Some other features are a heart rate monitor, sports mileage, tracks step, sleep, weather, burned calories, distance, etc. The watch is scratchproof, which is also sweatproof. Its battery lasts up to 36 hours. The in-built sport modes like walking, running, climbing, yoga, cycling, etc. 
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