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March 26, 2022
318 0
Sale Price: $47 Save $5 (10% Off) List Price: $52 In Canada at canada.desertcart.com Category: Smart Wearable
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- Thermometer
- 1.73'' color touchscreen display
- 60 days battery life on standby
- Waterproof
Haino Teko Germany Smart Watch 44mm connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth and is compatible with Android, Google, and iOS operating systems. It comes with a 1.73'' color touchscreen display which looks vibrant. Its battery lasts up to 60 days on standby. The watch includes sports modes such as running, climbing, cycling, etc. It is waterproof and you can wear it while swimming. You can access your smartphone's calls, texts, and notifications through this watch and listen to endless music. The watch accurately measures heart rate, sleep, active hours, calories burned, GPS, weather, etc. It has a thermometer that allows you to check body temperature.
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