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Deal Share B Benita Updated July 13, 2021 137 0
Sale Price: $31.99 Save $48 (60% Off) List Price: $79.99 In United States at walmart.com Category: Headphone
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Havit's gaming headset comes with a microphone and volume control and is specially designed for over-ear laptops and games like PS4, PS5, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and many more. It is also compatible with computers and mobile. It is fashionable and highly durable as high-class materials are used and can be rotatable to 360 degrees. It also provides an immersive gaming experience due to its best audio quality because 53mm drivers are used. It looks cool, stylish, creates the best gaming experience, lightweight, adjustable headband crisp and enhanced audio, etc. The ear cushions are comfy and made of breathable material. This headset also provides a noise cancelation feature which disables all the unwanted noise from the background. It's also compatible with Mac, MacBook and the connection type is 3.5mm Jack. Its weight is 0.785 kg.

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