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Deal Share B Benita Updated October 26, 2021 213 0
Sale Price: $59.99 Save $35.01 (36% Off) List Price: $95 In United States at walmart.com Category: Smart Wearable
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iTouch Air 3 Unisex Smartwatch is compatible with Android, and iOS operating systems. The smartwatch connects via Bluetooth and it has loads of features. The watch accurately monitors heart rate, blood pressure, sleeping hours, number of burned calories, distance covered while walking or running, oxygen level, stress management, etc. This watch is durable and very precise. It 24/7 monitors your heartbeat, has a camera remote, hydration reminder, hygiene assistant, and many more. Also, it tells the weather and has various sports modes. You can also listen to music directly through this watch. It has multiple sport modes like running, swimming, football, basketball, soccer, tennis, cycling, and hiking. The watch comes with a 1-year limited warranty.
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