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Deal Share B Benita Updated August 08, 2021 77 0
Sale Price: $19.88 Save $30.11 (60% Off) List Price: $49.99 In United States at target.com Category: Headphone
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Letsfit's in-Ear Wireless Bluetooth 5.0 TWS Earbuds use advanced Bluetooth 5.0 technology and ensures fast pairing, i.e. it only requires one-step pairing and connects automatically when you take them out from the case with your smartphone. Its battery gives up to 24 hours of playback time. The drivers that are used in these buds ensure crystal clear and premium sound. They are comfortable ergonomically designed that also provide the perfect fit. These buds are water-resistant and can be used for any physical activities or sports and while you are at the gym. Its ear cushion material is TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane).
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