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Deal Share B Benita Updated August 11, 2021 154 0
Sale Price: $37.99 Save $2 (5% Off) List Price: $39.99 In United States at amazon.com Category: Smartphone
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supports GSM network
0.3MP single camera
8GB storage
expandable memory
Newmind Sports Car model Mini flip phone has 8GB storage and 2G cellular technology. this phone supports a GSM network and its range is 850/900/1800/1900 MHz. It comes with a single camera that has 0.3MP and offers 480 pixels photos and videos quality. It doesn't have a touchscreen display and you have to use keyboards to operate the various functions on mobile. This phone is specially designed for kids and is kid-friendly and its car design looks cool. You can also insert an SD card to increase its storage.  Its weight is 5.3 ounces and comes with a single sim option and you have to insert the sized sim. This phone is perfect for kids and is affordable.
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