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Deal Share B Benita Updated September 18, 2022 311 0
Sale Price: $1179 Save $646 (28% Off) List Price: $1643 In United States at desertcart.us Category: Smart TV
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OnePlus 126 cm (50 inches) Y Series 4K Ultra HD Smart Android LED TV comes with a 50'' Ultra High Definition display that promises 4K resolution. Its screen resolution is 3840x2160P. The TV is embedded with a bezel-less frame that looks stunning. It comes with voice assistants that can control everything with your voice commands. It is also equipped with in-built content and applications such as HBO Max, Netflix, Prime, Hulu, YouTube, etc. You can control its functions through the Remote. The screen's 1 billion unique color blend enhances the watching experience. Its 24W Dolby Audio produces thrumming music. You also get a 1-year limited warranty on this device.
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