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Deal Share C Clair Updated January 23, 2022 122 0
Sale Price: $26 Save $3 (10% Off) List Price: $29 In Canada at ubuy.ca Category: Headphone
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Panasonic Rp-hv096-k Hv096 Earbuds are compatible with Android, Google, and iOS operating systems and are wired. They are universally compatible and connect via 3.5mm Jack. It also supports devices like PC, tablets, laptops, etc. The buds are designed uniquely and have a sleek cord. They are equipped with 14.8mm drivers which provide you with a balanced sound. Also, they offer noise-reduction technology. They are responsible for high-fidelity sound. It has a microphone for clear communication. The cord length of these headphones is 3.9 feet.
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