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Deal Share C Clair Updated February 17, 2022 199 0
Sale Price: $43 Save $6 (12% Off) List Price: $49 In Canada at ubuy.ca Category: Headphone
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PDP Gaming LVL40 Wired Stereo Gaming Headset with Noise Cancelling Microphone is designed for gaming and is perfect for games like PS4, PS5, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, etc. The headset is lightweight and provides comfort for a long time. Its 40mm drivers are responsible for extra bass sound. It is compatible with all the Operating Systems and supports devices such as PC, laptops, and Chromebooks. It has a noise-canceling microphone that ensures crystal clear communication. The headband is adjustable and earmuffs provide comfort to the ears. The connection type of this headset is 3.5mm Jack. 
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