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July 20, 2022
176 0
Sale Price: $112 Save $16 (12% Off) List Price: $128 In Canada at canada.desertcart.com Category: Smart Wearable
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- 1.72'' High Definition display
- Bluetooth connection
- Sedentary reminders
- Waterproof
- 24x7 health monitoring
Pebble Cosmos Bluetooth Calling smartwatch is compatible with operating systems like Android and iOS and connects via Bluetooth technology. It has a 1.72'' High Definition display which is interactive. The watch accurately monitors sleep calculation, heart rate, stress, temperature, calories burned, Spo2, GPS, and, blood pressure. It also does sleep analysis. It is equipped with several exercise modes. The watch gives sedentary reminders and comes with a pedometer. It gives reminders about the notifications you received on your smartphone. Also, it is waterproof and sweatproof. The smartwatch ensures 24x7 health monitoring.
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