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Deal Share C Clair Updated December 22, 2021 142 0
Sale Price: $49.99 Save $6 (10% Off) List Price: $55.99 In Canada at amazon.ca Category: Computer
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Perkisboby Galaxy Projector is an LED projector. You can use this projector for bedrooms, cars, parties, game rooms, etc. It is portable and can be easily carried outdoors. This projector is compatible with PC, laptops, smartphones, TV, TV sticks, Games, etc. You can connect it via USB, SD card, Bluetooth, and HDMI. Its projection is 360 inches. Also, it gives 8500 Lumens Brightness. This is a 3 in 1 projector and can be used in multiple ways. The built-in speakers provide a theatrical sound experience. Its other features include 4 color combinations, 6 mixed colors, 3-level brightness adjustments, and flashing modes.
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