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Deal Share B Benita Updated September 06, 2021 114 0
Sale Price: $44.99 Save $10 (18% Off) List Price: $54.99 In United States at target.com Category: Other Telecom Product
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Qmadix Wall Charger with 4.8 amperes, gives excellent performance and charges your devices very conveniently. It offers fast charging and durable connections and is compatible with phones and tablets. It has a compact construction and is very lightweight, so you can use it easily while traveling. This charger comes with a protection system that avoids overheating and is multipurpose. The lightning connector has a reversible design that makes connections easy. This charger has 2 ports and you can charge two devices at the same time. Its cord length is 6 feet and the maximum wattage is 24W. Its weight is .5 pounds. 
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