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Deal Share B Benita Updated September 14, 2021 156 0
Sale Price: $269 Save $20.99 (10% Off) List Price: $299.99 In United States at amazon.com Category: Computer
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Samsung Galaxy Chromebook Go Laptop has a 14'' display size, 4GB RAM, and 32GB flash storage. It has Google Chrome operating system and is equipped with a Celeron processor. Its screen is vibrant, 3x times faster, and very responsive. Its slim design makes the laptop fit comfortably in the bags. This laptop is slim and has many features like great audio, convertible, Bluetooth, webcam, durability, thinner, etc. Its battery lasts up to 12 hours. The laptop comes with a processor speed of 1.1 GHz. The laptop is lightweight and it makes the laptop easy to carry. Its weight is 3.2 pounds. 
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