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Deal Share C Clair Updated April 21, 2022 273 0
Sale Price: $29.99 Save $3 (9% Off) List Price: $32.99 In Canada at amazon.ca Category: Headphone
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Seisorush USB Headset with Microphone is compatible with all operating systems and devices such as PC, smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles, etc. It is ideal for home, entertainment, and work purposes. It is wired and connect via a 3.5mm Jack. Its noise-cancellation feature ensures the prevention of noise from the background. The noise-reduction microphone is perfect for clear communication as it removes background noise. It is 270 degrees rotatable and adjustable. Also, it is equipped with 30mm speaker units. It works efficiently with professional purposes. The headset delivers crisp and loud sound. You can use it with gaming consoles as well.
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