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Deal Share B Benita Updated September 06, 2021 146 0
Sale Price: $79.99 Save $20 (20% Off) List Price: $99.99 In United States at target.com Category: Smartphone
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3GB RAM and 32GB storage
octa-core processor
Android Operating System
13MP rear-facing camera and 8MP front-facing camera
Simple Mobile Prepaid Samsung Galaxy A11 Smartphone has Android Operating System, 4GB RAM, and 32GB storage. It has an ultrawide 6.4'' HD+ egde-toedge display. It gives the best and responsive performance due to the octa-core processor and 1.8 GHz processor speed. This smartphone has a 13MP rear-facing camera and 8MP front-facing camera Captures super shareable and high-quality pictures on the go. The screen resolution is 720 x 1560 and its maximum resolution is 1080P. Its weight is 6.34 ounces. It also comes with a 1-year limited warranty.
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